Sunday, March 23, 2008

poem, rhyme and reason

light that breaks
the freeze
before the animals awake
eyes are shut
against their nature
(a gift i'll take
i ease my tortured body
down the stairs
then i'll let
the beasts out
to get watered first in pairs

Your day
our day
though Thursday
is the break of sin
sleep, then follows light,
and nothing starts
the morning din

alleluia, Lover,
alleluia every day
but now
i commemorate
the reason
i can pray
not endless petitions
but an audience
with You
i exult
in every thorn
nail that's hammered through

now light hammers through
the earth
the world
and all for me

break my heart
make it all new

i can see
You sweet face
before me
and Your voice within my brain
acts as balm and promise
to my body's
wrecked terrain

and i smile
a rare thing
and i think
the moment through
all my life's an audience
You made sin yield
death too

as You stroke my heart
as always
and that cup
filled with my pain
and was gone
when i woke up


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